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Art of the Day: Thursday October 20, 2005

caramel apples

- by W. Kevin Murray

This week's theme: Halloween Treats

Halloween is a mere two weeks away. Ghosts, vampires, monsters and witches are already all around us. They are important to Halloween, but as important (and some would say more important) are all the goodies that are inextricably bound to the festivities.

-Melissa Morton

Art: caramel apples by Artist W. Kevin Murray
Yeah, end of Summer! Hello and Welcome Fall! I absolutley LOVE the Fall. Goodbye humidity, dont let the door hit you in the butt on the way OUT! Crisp air, change of colors, picking apples, carving pumpkins and Caramel Apples with nuts! I took this photo at are local farm, I had to put down the "funnel cake" first, capture the image, then buy two of those caramel apples with nuts [tip of the day, buy the ones with the nuts so the caramel doesn't stick to the bag] pick up the funnel cake and moved on.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art caramel apples

Detail Image for art caramel apples


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