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Art of the Day: Wednesday January 27, 2016

Girl in a Green Hat: the Color of Envy

- by Alma Lee

This week's theme: Green

Green. You can be green with envy. It's the colour of luck and inexperience. Green is the colour of spring and Christmas. Green is nature's neutral. White, grey and black stand out against a background of green as yellow, red and pink. While not primary on the colour wheel, it certainly is in life.

Art: Girl in a Green Hat: the Color of Envy by Artist Alma Lee
Green mystery is passing by
a beauty, a mistress
traitor or spy
Like a swan in motion
I know not her name
her love and lies
Envy is passing by

This art was completed using CS6, onOne Extention and Flexify II. I started with a patent license drawing from 1860 for a flying machine. Then I opened it in Photoshop and illustrated over and around it.

About this art"
size: 12x8.5"
media: digital mixed
style: expressionism


Detail Images

Detail Image for art Girl in a Green Hat: the Color of Envy

girl green hat fin cup.jpg

Detail Image for art Girl in a Green Hat: the Color of Envy

girl green hat fin cup1.jpg

Detail Image for art Girl in a Green Hat: the Color of Envy

girl green hat fin cup2.jpg


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