Just a little something on the wrist. Perhaps elegant, maybe funky or even wildly over the top. Bracelets come in many styles, shapes, colours and materials. A bracelet can pull together a look or make a bold statement. They say something about the wearer. We choose them according to mood and fashion. Bracelets are a great way to do a little something different, to add a little zing. Bottom line - bracelets are fun to wear.
All of the bracelets featured this week in Art Of The Day are available for purchase on Etsy or Ebay. Just click on the icons under the artist's name to go to the listing. Because there are only seven days in the week, we could not feature all the EBSQ artists with one of a kind bracelets available. To see more bracelets that you can own and wear, go to Etsy or Ebay and type in "EBSQ bracelets".
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