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Art of the Day: Saturday March 21, 2009

Copper Eyed Susan

- by Robin Cruz McGee

This week's theme: Flower Of The Month

It's that time of year when we are being made aware, that yes, spring will be arriving again. Because for most of us it can't arrive too soon, this week's Art Of The Day selections are from some of the past EBSQ Flower Of The Month shows.

The current FOTM is the Cylcamen. If you would like to see the entries in, or perhaps enter, this or any of the other EBSQ shows for March, please visit the EBSQ Shows page. A list of all the upcoming shows with short descriptions can be found here as well.

Art: Copper Eyed Susan by Artist Robin Cruz McGee
This is My version of the Black Eyed Susan done in repousse. With this ancient technique I have taken a flat sheet of metal and, with the help of punches, hammers and a pitch bowl, I have stretched and distorted the copper sheet into a three dimensional form. I used 18 gauge metal and have about 5 working days time in the piece. It helped to have a supply of wild Black Eyed Susans growing across the street. Repousse is a rare and labor intensive art. I hope you enjoy my work.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Copper Eyed Susan

Detail Image for art Copper Eyed Susan

Detail Image for art Copper Eyed Susan


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