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Art of the Day: Monday April 25, 2005


- by Tiffini Elektra X

This week's theme: EBSQ Plus

EBSQ would like to congratulate the newest members of EBSQ Plus whose artistic excellence was recognized by a panel of peer jurors. Unfortunately, Art Of The Day can not showcase them all, but please be sure to explore the work of all the new Plus members. The full list can be found on our home page. More information on the juried division of EBSQ can be found on the FAQ page under EBSQ Plus. Applications will be considered again in September 2005.

Again, congratulations to all 20 new juried members, who were selected from a pool of 63 applicants. Well done!

-Melissa Morton

Art: Exist by Artist Tiffini Elektra  X
"Exist" is collaged using Mica, metal label holders, anatomical illustrations circa 1910, scraps of foreign money, light and metal trim.

With the light on nerves and vessels appear. I am currently enjoying making functional three dimensional objects out of things that already exist. Using materials that are durable but quite old. Wood and paper boxes, layers of vintage text and found objects, a dab of paint here and there. Striving to create assemblages with an almost theatrical story that the viewer can interact with.

Collection of Tana Mitchell.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Exist

Detail Image for art Exist

Detail Image for art Exist

With the light on nerves and vessels appear


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