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Art of the Day: Wednesday May 06, 2009


- by Theodora Demetriades

This week's theme: EBSQ Juried Artists

Twice a year - in the spring and the fall, EBSQ accepts submission to EBSQ Juried Artists. This week and next, Art Of The Day is pleased to be showcasing the work of the newest members of EBSQ Juried Artists. Congratulations!

Information on EBSQ Juried Artists and how to submit your work can be found on the FAQ's page.

Art: THE JUDGES GAVEL by Artist Theodora Demetriades
I will have to admit to being an adict of court TV...sometimes while I am working on something I have Judge Judy,Judge Alex,Judge Joe Brown,or Judge Christine running in the background. That is probably the reason that the gavel came to mind for the March Motion show. I have no other logical explanation. Wierd I know but my little CD Player is broken and I have to listen to something when I am doing ink work on my watercolors. This piece is done on Arches 140 lb hot press Arches watercolor paper using Winsor Newton and Sennlier watercolors.Also love their brushes.


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