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Art of the Day: Monday May 04, 2009

Come Into My Parlor

- by Shelly Bedsaul

This week's theme: EBSQ Juried Artists

Twice a year - in the spring and the fall, EBSQ accepts submission to EBSQ Juried Artists. This week and next, Art Of The Day is pleased to be showcasing the work of the newest members of EBSQ Juried Artists. Congratulations!

Information on EBSQ Juried Artists and how to submit your work can be found on the FAQ's page.

Art: Come Into My Parlor by Artist Shelly Bedsaul
"Come into my parlor" said the spider to the fly. You've seen them, the ones with layers of finery and fluff. Pretty painted faces, designed to attract and deceive. Hidden is the web of her predatory soul. I'm throroughly fascinated with Venetian Carnivale costumes and the sense of mystery they give me. I started using them as a vehicle several years ago, with the intent to comment on the masks we wear to hide our true feelings. Sometimes it borders on silly, others, a means of protection.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Come Into My Parlor

Detail Image for art Come Into My Parlor


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