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Art of the Day: Tuesday May 13, 2008

Eucalyptus, Irvine, California

- by Muriel Areno

This week's theme: EBSQ Juried Artists

This week Art Of The Day is pleased to showcase the work of the newest members of EBSQ Juried Artists.

Information on EBSQ Juried Artists and how to submit your work can be found on the FAQ's page.

Art: Eucalyptus, Irvine, California by Artist Muriel Areno

This piece was painted from a photograph I took while on a walk in California, visiting family.

I was struck by the shape and color of the trees, contrasting with the blue sky and approaching storm clouds. I particularly enjoyed the play of light and shadow on the trunks and the lovely bark texture typical of eucalyptus trees.

I use acrylic paints for their versatility; I start with thin watercolor-like layers and add quick, thicker dabs of paint on top, but not everywhere. This method gives the painting life and immediacy.

Available for sale in my Etsy shop.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Eucalyptus, Irvine, California

Detail Image for art Eucalyptus, Irvine, California

Detail Image for art Eucalyptus, Irvine, California


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