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Art of the Day: Monday July 23, 2018

Sunflower Ladybug Vignette

- by Pamela K Wilhelm

This week's theme: Helianthus

They are named for the sun. Their symmetry is based on Fibonacci numbers. They are native to the Americas, but have traveled widely and have captured the eyes and imagination of people all over the world.

I was not expecting a parade the day this one surprised me. When I turned the corner and faced this one, all that I remember are brightly colored parade flags against the clear sky moving from left to right across my field of vision. It was like they moved of their own volition, following some instinctive response like salmon moving up-river. I never saw the people, the background of a park inside of a capitol city. If I hadn't taken picture's I wouldn't have remembered they were there. This picture illustrates that experience.

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Detail Image for art Parade Flag Migration


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