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Art of the Day: Monday June 29, 2009

'Gudrun' First to Bloom 2009 II

- by Monica Faith

This week's theme: Blooms, Blossoms and Petals

We surround ourselves with them in our gardens, our in homes and businesses and in our art.

Art: 'Gudrun' First to Bloom 2009 II by Artist Monica Faith
I've been impatiently waiting for new Irises I'd planted to bloom this year, and the first one to bloom prompted me to grab the camera. With the exception of the primary photo, which had color saturation and sphere distortion added, these photos are untouched... downloaded straight from the camera to the site other than cropping for two of them.

Basic information below copied and pasted to photography pieces in my EBSQ portfolio:

I use an old Adobe Photo Deluxe digital program for cropping and digital effects. The photographs that don't make mention of effects are straight off the camera as-is. Digital photography is merely a hobby for me at this point, and this would be apparent to any professional photographer who got a gander at my camera. As a hobbyist, I'm learning on a Fuji Finepix S6000fd, a fairly basic amateur's camera that got great reviews for the humble price. This $600 camera gave me some pretty solid manual controls to practice with. The picture stabilization sucks according to the pro's reviews, so I can blame some of my photos on this setback. I like the face detection and 28-300mm zoom. It's a far cry from the $4,000+ Nikon D3 Santa refuses to bring me. That's okay, I haven't learned enough about digital photography to be requesting a $4,000 camera. Yet.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art 'Gudrun' First to Bloom 2009 II

Detail Image for art 'Gudrun' First to Bloom 2009 II

Detail Image for art 'Gudrun' First to Bloom 2009 II


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