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Art of the Day: Monday February 16, 2004

Red Dining Room - SOLD

- by Diane Millsap

This week's theme: Be it ever so humble...

It is where we begin and end the day. It is where we keep our treasures. It is where we go when the trip is over. It is a refuge and a place to gather. It is where we can truly be ourselves.

It is home.

-Melissa Morton

Art: Red Dining Room - SOLD by Artist Diane Millsap
This painting started with the color RED. While thumbing through an old college text book on the Impressionists, I was struck by Monet's "Luncheon on the Grass." Until then, I guess I had never really considered how beautiful red could be. With my dining room as subject matter, I used Cadmium Red Light and Alizrian Crimson as the main design element. I have loved RED ever since then.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Red Dining Room - SOLD

Detail from Luncheon on the Grass- Monet


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