as·sem·blage n.
1. a collection of people or things; a gathering
2. a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose
3. the social act of assembling
4. several things grouped together or considered as a whole
5. a fitting together of parts
6. a sculptural composition consisting of an arrangement of miscellaneous objects or found materials
The bones have been affixed to slate and lay together in a pleasing design. The sharper bones are reminiscent of needles. The leather is a dark brown and the scan doesn't quite do it justice. The piece has been varnished to protect its elements and to bring out the lustre of the stone.
On the back of the panel you can see how the leather has been laced to keep it tight against the wood. The lacing is hemp twine and the piece has been titled, signed and dated by the artist beneath the cording.
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