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Art of the Day: Saturday October 01, 2005


- by Tiffini Elektra X

This week's theme: Assemblages

as·sem·blage n.

1. a collection of people or things; a gathering
2. a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose
3. the social act of assembling
4. several things grouped together or considered as a whole
5. a fitting together of parts
6. a sculptural composition consisting of an arrangement of miscellaneous objects or found materials

-Melissa Morton

Art: Papillion by Artist Tiffini Elektra  X
"Papillion" is collaged on a wood box using vintage labels and dictionary pages, old cigar band and label, and image transfers.

With the light on images of butterflies appear. I am currently enjoying making functional three dimensional objects out of things that already exist. Using materials that are durable but quite old. Wood and paper boxes, layers of vintage text and found objects, a dab of paint here and there. Striving to create assemblages with an almost theatrical story that the viewer can interact with.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Papillion

In the daytime.

Detail Image for art Papillion

At night with the light on.

Detail Image for art Papillion

In the daytime.


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