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Art of the Day: Friday February 01, 2008

Twang, the melody lingers

- by Gayle Koehler

This week's theme: Assemblages and Mixed Media

Assemblages and Mixed Media is art wide open. Any material, any media - it's all fair game in the pursuit translating artistic vision into creation. If you are interested and intrigued, you can see more work like this in EBSQ's Assemblages and Mixed Media Gallery.

Art: Twang, the melody lingers by Artist Gayle Koehler
TWANG, THE MELODY LINGERS Acrylic on wood panel with wood collage, violin and papier m‰chŽ. This is a very old, handmade Kentucky fiddle with a burled maple back. It has been painted with a Michigan landscape and is free-hanging on a wood panel mounted to a wood panel. The mounted panel landscape mimics the one painted on the fiddle. There are thin acrylic glazes and a gold metallic under-layment on the background panel and framing. The balls on the ends of the mounting dowels are papier m‰chŽ. It represents "Old-timey" southern music in a northern land. (See side-view, next image.) In the collection of Paul Marcela, Midland, MI, USA.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Twang, the melody lingers

Side view showing removeable violin


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