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Art of the Day: Thursday January 21, 2010


- by Rhonda Roberts

This week's theme: And Two Girls In Kimonos

This week’s EBSQ Art of the Day theme focuses on art that features pinks and purples. Because we like things with a little bit of a twist, we have included a painting of two girls in kimonos that features strong reds.

Art: Friends by Artist Rhonda  Roberts
Two little Minarai head towards temple gardens on the other side of a tori.

Each figures details are embellished with carefully inked designs accented with metallic gouache. This doesn't turn up well in scans or photos but looks marvelous up close. The larger detail scans are done without sealant. The detail images are taken after the image is sealed with acrylic polymer gloss.

After the image is sealed, the gloss enhances the metallic accents and the layers of underpainting that go into making each unique patch of color. It also enhances the soft details of the faces. You can see all this easily when the image sits in your hand. It makes each one of my pieces unique and not easy to replicate.

These are one of a kind pieces. They do not reproduce well. I may use the design for a print or something else, but it will never look like the original. It can't. Believe me, I have tried.

Each piece I make comes with it's own semi-ridgid protector manfactured in the United States by Pro-Mold. This OSWOA has been painted on Arches 100% cotton cold Press 140lb Watercolor paper.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Friends

Detail Image for art Friends

Detail Image for art Friends


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