This image is purely about food porn!
A Mediterranean style snack of spicy Spanish and herbed French Olives share this bowl with a nice Artichoke heart and a thin slice of Meyer Lemon.
The Morroccan style bowl has been in my prop box for a while now and I like how it works with the black table top, antique spoon and Olives.
There is no digital "trickery" here this was shot with filtered natural light that had been controlled with a flag to create the shadow side, then a textured silver bounce was used just under the camera and to the left to fill light back in to light the front, and lastly a small strobe was aimed through a translucent umbrella above and to the right to help with the fill.
Shot with a Nikon D-200, with a vintage 28mm lens, and remotely triggering a Nikon Sb-800 using Nikons CLS.
The best part about shooting food porn.... is lunch is already on the table!
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