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Art Show: foodporn: Photographing Food as Art


by Eclectic Elements by sam

Banner for foodporn: Photographing Food as Art art show

Art: Habañero by Artist Eclectic Elements by sam

January 2010

Habañero peppers are one of the hottest peppers. You don't pronounce the "H" and the tilde over the "N" indicates you say it like a "Y" sound. Ab-an-yero

This is not a pepper to try if you are not used to spicy food.It is an acquired taste and your mouth must get used to less spicy peppers first and over time.

A dear friend of mine and I used to have what we called "masochistic dining" adventures from time to time. Wasabi and hot chilis were standard. If your eyes didn't water and your nasal passage didn't clear it wasn't a successful evening.

So, if you love spicy food, the Habañero is worth a try...but only in moderation!


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