They know no God,
and harken to no Christ
masters of their destiny
they fell to their own device
Zombie like they truge
through the barren hell
their home, their chosen fate
lives once loved live in hate
So this is how it all begins, the end of life as we know it. Some chose Christ, have come through fine, happy and thrilled, their tears are dried and bodies restored. The agonies of earthy life are neither mentioned nor remembered. But thier are others, who chose a different path, in their hearts they believe in the abilities of themselves and their fellow man. How they labored to make it right, only fo find out thier realm was a dark one, and lives not their own. Now forced to roam the world of the earth bound, Masters of thier realm. All because they knew no God, needed no Christ.
About this Art:
size: 15x12"
media: digital illustration
style: Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy,Pop Surrealism
Subject: Zombies a life without Christ