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Art Show: Zodiac

What's Your Sign Baby?

by Alma Lee

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Art: What's Your Sign Baby? by Artist Alma Lee
What's your sign baby?
tell me your horoscope
I bet were a match
What do you say baby
I am quite a catch

Stop! she says
stay where you are
With all of your hype
we're no astrological match,
you're not even my type

I came of age in the mid seventies and astrology was all the rage. I never put any stock in it but what I hated the most was when it was used as a pick up line. "Really thats all you got?" It was the worst of the worst of lines and I never knew even one woman who fell for it, well unless of course they were trying to reel in a couple of free drinks. That reminds me remember back then they actually bought you a drink...hmm come to think of it "What is your sign Baby" he said "Looking at you baby it would be a double bubble babe and keep em comin! she answered with her best forced smile.

About this Art
size: 10x14"
media: digitall illustration created in CS6, Flexify II and onOne extention software
Subject: Aries and Pisces
Style: Pop Surrealism, cartoon

Detail Images

Detail Image for art What's Your Sign Baby?

What is your sign lg cup.jpg

Detail Image for art What's Your Sign Baby?

What is your sign lg cup 1.jpg

Detail Image for art What's Your Sign Baby?

What is your sign lg cup 2.jpg


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