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Art Show: Wild Birds

Bluebird of Happiness

by Stephanie Fischer

Banner for Wild Birds art show

Art: Bluebird of Happiness by Artist Stephanie Fischer
One day you pick up some raw aluminum, cut it into a pleasing shape, impress the metal with the form of a bird, dye the metal, resin the metal, drill the metal, add fused dichroic glass pebbles and some anodized aluminum wire and voila you have a one of a kind necklace. But it is not alive. Life comes from actually looking at the piece and finding it's meaning. It did not start off as a blue bird but it became one and in researching that fact it was given life. The early settlers were capitivated by this lovely, plump, sweet singing bird. More songs and poems have been written about the Bluebird than any other bird. It is associated with Spring, Love and Joy. It is a symbol of commemorating marriages and anniversaries. It is considered to be a messenger for contentment and health. There was a 1909 play by Maurice Maeterlink called "The Bluebird" about two children who go on a magic journey looking for the Bluebird of Happiness. they don't find it, and when they return home they discover it's been in their back yard all along. Maybe happiness is always within reach, but if you push too hard you lose sight of it????


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