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Art Show: WIP: Unfinished Art

WIP:Frankenberry My childhood sweetheart

by Noelle Hunt

Banner for WIP: Unfinished Art art show

Art: WIP:Frankenberry My childhood sweetheart by Artist Noelle Hunt
Ah Frankenberry you were always my favourite! When I was little once a month we were allowed to buy ONE box of SUGAR COATED CRAP, as my mother , the faded flower child always called it,. Others would be fickel and move from Cap'n Crucnh to fruit loops, but I always remained faithful to my first love FRANKENBERRY

the image was taken from the original 1907's colouring page.It was suppose to be an exercise in monochromatic painting, and the fun of colouring in the lines again.Alas poor frankenberry has been sitting in my studio neglected, maybe all that suagr made me a little ADD? This was started in 2006 just after halloween when a friend sent me a box of Frankenberry and a box of boo berry as a present.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art WIP:Frankenberry My childhood sweetheart

Detail Image for art WIP:Frankenberry My childhood sweetheart

My daughter & her sweetheaart Boo Berry


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