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Art Show: WIP: Unfinished Art

John and Clyde


Banner for WIP: Unfinished Art art show

Art: John and Clyde by Artist
This oil is an entry in EBSQ's Work In Progress (WIP) Show. John is the Sr. Cpl. with the Dallas Police's Mounted Unit, Clyde is his Clydesdale-Quarter Horse mount. This was my first painting of the mounted unit. Since I didn't know this particular officer very well, I didn't have a lot of incentive to finish the piece. Actually, what slowed me down was the background. I had to go back to the State Fair grounds (where the mounted unit is housed and where they patrol during the fair) and take a picture of the coupon booth - but that still didn't help. One officer said I was being too kind to Clyde as he has out-of-proportion enormous feet and she didn't think I did him justice.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art John and Clyde

Detail Image for art John and Clyde

Detail Image for art John and Clyde


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