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Art Show: Vice

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 3/1/2008 to 3/31/2008.

Banner for Vice art show


According to Wikipedia “Vice is a practice or habit that is considered immoral, depraved, and/or degrading in the associated society. In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault, a defect, an infirmity, or merely a bad habit. Synonyms for vice include fault, depravity, sin, iniquity, wickedness and corruption. The modern English term that best captures its original meaning is the word vicious, which means "full of vice." In this sense, the word vice comes from the Latin word vitium, meaning "failing or defect". Vice is the opposite of virtue.”

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what this show is about.

When we put out the call for suggestions for the 2008 show schedule, there was a hue and cry to revisit the “7 Deadly Sins” show. We thought it was a good idea but then decided to make things a little different by broadening the scope. Thus, we give you “Vice”.

One important point regarding show entries: while all vice is fair game, extremely graphic or offensive depictions are not. We don’t want to censor anyone or put a damper on things, but please remember that anyone can view this show and a variety of people will. Think of it like a film - if your piece would be rated NC-17, it's unfortunately ineligible.

Any and all materials may be used to create your entry. An artist's statement is required with every entry. This statement should include the vice depicted and why you chose it. Tell us about the materials and process you used to create your entry and something about why you chose to represent your subject in the manner or media that you did. Your statement is an important element in presenting your work online and helps make your work more accessible for the viewer. If texture or other small elements may be pivotal to the piece, detail shots are encouraged. Eligible entries need to meet all points of the prospectus. If you have any questions regarding the prospectus and its requirements, please send them to

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EBSQ Self Representing Artists - is a division of EBSQ, LLC