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Art Show: Underground

Mixed Media Abstract

by Tiffany Matthews

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Art: Mixed Media Abstract by Artist Tiffany Matthews
This painting has been swirling around in my head for a few months now. I really wanted to explore mixing acrylics and Prismacolor colored pencils on the same canvas. I think they contrast beautifully. The black shapes are acrylics and the color comes from the pencils.

What I love about abstracts is that everyone can see something different in them. My husband sees a face in this one and my daughter sees a bowling pin. I look more at the black shapes as the subject with the blue areas as negative space. If you do that, I think the black shapes take on a really organic, subterranean feel. Like you're viewing some strange underground pocket of shapes and color.


Detail Images

Detail Image for art Mixed Media Abstract


Detail Image for art Mixed Media Abstract


Detail Image for art Mixed Media Abstract


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