Underground. Down below. Beneath the surface of the Earth. We have been told of many things that are to be found there. There are worms and rabbit warrens. Magma and transportations systems. We have also heard tell of treasure, strange worlds and civilizations as well as fiery, sulfurous pits of eternal despair. What of the things that can be found underground pique your interest and curiosity? What tales, be they fact or fiction, capture your imagination? Which of these things will you choose to represent, to capture with your art?
Please feel free to use any media or style you choose. If you work from fiction, please include a reference and an explanation of your subject. A explanation should also be included if your subject is factual. Be sure to explain the scientific. We ask that you do not choose to enter work that is merely something you think could exist underground. While these flights of fancy are interesting and fun, it is not what this show is about.
An artist's statement is required for every entry. Information detailing the materials, process and what made you choose your subject should be included. This increases understanding of your work and significantly enhances the experience for the viewer. As texture or other small elements may be pivotal to the piece, detail shots are encouraged. Eligible entries need to meet all points of the prospectus. If you have any questions regarding the prospectus and its requirements, please send them to edu@ebsqart.com.