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Art Show: Under the Knife: The Knife Painting Show

daydream # 4

by Jamie Golob

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Art: daydream # 4 by Artist Jamie Golob
This work is mixed media utilizing textures papers ,bubble wrap, gel pastes, acrylic paint and glaze.

My work is inspired by my impressions of life- the good the bad and the ugly. As I continue to grow not only as a person but as an artist I find myself seeing more and more that everything is connected in one way or another. I have this sense of urgency in trying to define and understand the world and people around me. There are times that I feel as though being able to express myself through my painting is my only true way of reaching out and belonging to something bigger and complete. I see painting as a place where all people come together, even if for just one instant, not for any other reason than the simple joy and appreciation of beauty and expression. We may all find something different for ourselves from the very same piece. But the greatest thing of all is that beauty in painting can be so many things. It doesn't take but a certain color or fleeting brush stroke to bring back a memory, a thought, an image of childhood. Sometimes the best memories are even the sad ones. Sad for a while but happy in that they simply must be. Some of my work has a definite subject matter and at times is more abstract- but always expressive. When I paint it is my time to let out my interpretations of what I've seen and have experienced. I find a definite connection between positive and negative in life and so in my art as well. It's the spirit of life that I wish to capture. Happy compliments sorrow just as blue does orange. Turbulent times and days of rest stumble across our paths like multi dimensional textures and sheens of brilliance or opalescence. It's the variety in life and art that ultimately give it harmony. I often use several techniques in one piece- it works- and that is why. Many of my pieces have patterns and repetition. This is something I've purposely sought to include. I find that, as many, I am at times a person of habit. Repetition and a hint of consistency, I feel often, keep me sane. I use these patterns in my work to function as the underlying stability of any situation we may be faced with in life. Sometimes, when life is being particularly tough, this can be our salvation. Ultimately I feel my work can be viewed as abstract expressionism. My hope is that it in my reaching out with every piece I will find common ground with many who can share in my love

Detail Image

Detail Image for art daydream # 4


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