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Art Show: Under the Knife: The Knife Painting Show

Marsh Palmetto

by Joe Perry

Banner for Under the Knife: The Knife Painting Show art show

Art: Marsh Palmetto by Artist Joe Perry
Marsh Palmetto is my take on the natural beauty surrounding Parris Island, SC in the springtime. This is one of my first paintings using a palette knife. I really enjoy the depth effect produced by applying and scraping multiple layers of paint and the texture that results. Kind of like you're "building" a painting.

Marsh Palmetto was painted using a palette knife with heavy body acrylics on a savalged piece of crate wood. The board was undercoated with a skyblue latex and then acrylics applied on top. The clouds and water surface were laid out with the knife then lightly blended with a dry brush for softened effect.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Marsh Palmetto

Detail Image for art Marsh Palmetto


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