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Art Show: TwistedBrush Digital Art Show

Into a Dream

by Carolyn Schiffhouer

Banner for TwistedBrush Digital Art Show art show
Prizes for this exhibit:
TwistedBrush Pro Studio by Pixarra

Pixarra is awarding the Members' Choice winner of this exhibit a license for the full retail version of TwistedBrush Pro Studio.

Art: Into a Dream by Artist Carolyn Schiffhouer
This image was created for the Twisted Brush Exhibit.  The original image was taken by myself at a renovated turn-of-the-century Gentlemen's Club.  This is the stained glass at the top of the entryway staircase.  I imported it into Twisted Brush and used several filters on it.  Twisted brush has a nice feature that allows you to do different filters over and over on the image.  Each filter allows for a variety of changes and thus the use of the filter is different every time you use it.  I titled this Into a Dream because the floating colors look like the beginning of a dream...or nightmare!


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