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Art Show: Tools of the Trade

Ball Peen Hammer

by Jenny Doss

Banner for Tools of the Trade art show

Art: Ball Peen Hammer by Artist Jenny Doss
This is the ball-peen hammer that I use constantly around the house, in my artwork, you name it... My dad has his own business, and as a child, I used to work in his shop with lots of tools, both hand tools and power tools. When I was very young, I was too small for a regular claw hammer, so he gave me a ball peen hammer instead. I've been using one regularly ever since! This piece was a study of my hammer, created in bold bright colors of red, orange, browns, purples and black. Mounted on the royal blue mat, it's really striking (sorry - couldn't help it!). This is just one of the many tools I use on a daily basis.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Ball Peen Hammer

Detail Image for art Ball Peen Hammer


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