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Art Show: Think Pink: A Fundraiser for the Susan G Komen Foundation


by Jack Day

Banner for Think Pink: A Fundraiser for the Susan G Komen Foundation art show

Art: Nissa by Artist Jack Day
The gift of flowers is to be welcomed any time but when you are ill they bring joy, colour and beauty to your soul. Here is Nissa with a gorgeous floral offering and she has been created especially for the 'Think Pink' show in aid of breast cancer research. This is a cause painfully close to my heart as my wonderful mother died following a 12 year punch-up with breast cancer on 24th July this year. As with all Ebrenn Elves when she's sold a percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the Hospice in the Weald, Kent, UK, in recognition of the exemplary care, compassion and love showed by their incredible staff. They are the true super heroes. Rest In Peace Ellie Mitchell, my beloved Mutti, my best friend - I love you so much and will miss you forever. J xxx

(Nissa is available on eBay now)

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Nissa

Detail Image for art Nissa

Detail Image for art Nissa


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