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Art Show: Think Pink: A Fundraiser for the Susan G Komen Foundation

Tabby Cat Curl on Pink Blanket

by Tracey Allyn Greene

Banner for Think Pink: A Fundraiser for the Susan G Komen Foundation art show

Art: Tabby Cat Curl on Pink Blanket by Artist Tracey Allyn Greene
This is an oil bar painting done from life of my sweet cat Pearl, taking a cat nap on a pink blanket. I love doing these loose, sketchy oil portraits, capturing cats in action, or, in-action! I especially love to paint cats in slumber, they are so peaceful. I immediatly feel better looking at them as such. I think cats are wonderful companions, and are such a help to those who are fighting such illnesses as breast cancer. They help to alleviate stress, and bring a sense of peace and calmness, so important for fighting illness. A cat peacefully purring in your lap....there's nothing better for bringing about a sense of well-being.


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