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Art Show: Think Pink: A Fundraiser to Benefit Susan G Komen 2009

Love Sick Bunny

by Noelle Hunt

Banner for Think Pink: A Fundraiser to Benefit Susan G Komen 2009 art show

Art: Love Sick Bunny by Artist Noelle Hunt
this painting is available through my ETSY store

A Love Sick Bunny can you imagine anything sadder?
This tiny wooden box is perfect for holding treasures or secrets or maybe just wishes and dreams.
This box is approximately 3.5 x 3.5 x 8 inches painted in acrylics then sealed in a durable high-gloss sealer. the inside is unpainted so that nay treasure will not run any risk of being damaged by paint in any way ( although sealer usually solves this issue)

There is a special secret message hidden inside as well.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Love Sick Bunny

Detail Image for art Love Sick Bunny

Detail Image for art Love Sick Bunny


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