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Art Show: Think Pink: A Fundraiser to Benefit Susan G Komen 2009

Defiant Rose

by Carissa M Martos

Banner for Think Pink: A Fundraiser to Benefit Susan G Komen 2009 art show

Art: Defiant Rose by Artist Carissa M Martos
A pink tea rose from my garden in the Northwest, during a winter cold snap. A small piece, the tiny rosebud fighting to open in the freezing air, well represents the battle against cancer fought by those it strikes. It was created with one such friend in mind.

This was a photograph I took, digitally altered and hand blurred. It is printed on high-quality artists' canvas, then hand touched with acrylics.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Defiant Rose


Detail Image for art Defiant Rose


Detail Image for art Defiant Rose



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