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Art Show: Think Pink: A Fundraiser to Benefit Susan G Komen 2009

Amazons Marching Through the Canyon

by Nancy Denommee

Banner for Think Pink: A Fundraiser to Benefit Susan G Komen 2009 art show

Art: Amazons Marching Through the Canyon by Artist Nancy Denommee
Each October I create a piece of art for breast cancer awareness. My past creations have been mixed-media sculptures in a series called "I Shall be an Amazon Now". This draws on the myth of the Amazon women cutting off one breast to make it easier to draw their bows. I felt that women fighting breast cancer are just as much a warrior as these women of mythical times. This year I have done some paintings. This particular one has a parade of brave Amazons of today marching through a pink canyon.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Amazons Marching Through the Canyon

Detail Image for art Amazons Marching Through the Canyon

Detail Image for art Amazons Marching Through the Canyon


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