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Art Show: Tattoos: Designs for and Depictions of

Tiki Pinstripe

by Elisa Hirt

Banner for Tattoos: Designs for and Depictions of art show

Art: Tiki Pinstripe by Artist Elisa Hirt

Polynesian Pop Art is gaining popularity. Tiki Gods seem to be coming back with a vengeance! They are a favorite subject of mine, and if I were to get another tattoo, it would most likely contain a Tiki. This design came to mind immediately for the Tattoo Show.

Although I have gone to car shows for years and admired the pinstripes and artwork which adorn most of the vehicles, I never really gave the actual process of it much thought. Aside from acknowledging the immense talent that it takes to create these amazing images, I never realized how complex the art truly is. I am new to the art of pinstriping. This is one of my first attempts.


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