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Art Show: Tattoos: Designs for and Depictions of

Mermaid's Ika

by Heather Kilgore

Banner for Tattoos: Designs for and Depictions of art show

Art: Mermaid's Ika by Artist Heather Kilgore
So ia was sitting there watching one of the many mermaid movies my daughter loves so very much (I confess, i do too) and thought, they are all so very...tame. This little mermaid seems to have gotten some bad influences from her sailor friends and gotten a tattoo on her travels through the seas. Can't you just see it now? A mermaid sitting at the docks to get inked...squid ink even.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Mermaid's Ika

Detail Image for art Mermaid's Ika

Detail Image for art Mermaid's Ika


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