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Art Show: Tattoos: Designs for and Depictions of


by Theodora Demetriades

Banner for Tattoos: Designs for and Depictions of art show

Art: FISH STORY ,TATTOO SAMPLE by Artist Theodora Demetriades
I worked in an Atlantic City casino for years and have seen more than my share of good and bad tattoos. Sometimes I wondered what on earth people were thinking about when they chose a tattoo for themselves. I would think that the simpler the better.

Everyone seems to have a fish tale of the one that got away.Or the largest fish that they ever caught. Ok now here is where I can brag. I still have a certificate from the state of Florida for a Sailfish that I caught when I was 11 years old. Come to think of it I even have a story of a fish that got away while on a charter boat. So here is my rendition of a colorful fish tattoo.


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