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Art Show: Tattoos: Designs for and Depictions of

Enter the Dragon


Banner for Tattoos: Designs for and Depictions of art show

Art: Enter the Dragon by Artist
Portrait of my son-in-law, Chris, who enjoys martial arts. I was looking for something Chinese to reflect the martial arts influence. Notice how the tail goes down his arm and turns into a tattoo.

I researched tattoos in order to find some dragon photo-references since dragons are rarely found in the wild. :O And almost never photographed.

I asked my daughter if I could borrow some of her tattoo magazines and she warned me that some of them were kind of rough. I told her I would try not to faint.

I painted this piece and never got the vapors - other than the paint thinner. I found several references and in the end, of course, just made up my own dragon.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Enter the Dragon

Detail Image for art Enter the Dragon

Detail Image for art Enter the Dragon


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