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Art Show: Tapestry: Storytelling in Fibreart

Newton's Law of Gravity

by Jill Long

Banner for Tapestry: Storytelling in Fibreart art show

Art: Newton's Law of Gravity by Artist Jill Long
Earlier this year, I entered a contest to design art using a size 36C bra. There were no other stipulations except to describe your bra and who might have worn it. (As an aside, I won! YEA!) It was important to me, having nursed two children for a total of 3 years, to express (no pun intended) my own unique experience with boobs and bras.


Everyone knows the story Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery of the Law of Gravity. He was sitting beneath an apple tree when an apple fell and hit him on the head. Voila ---- gravity! Gravity affects everything, pulls everything toward the surface of the earth. Every aging woman knows the unfortunate results of this gravitational pull on the female body. Our “apples”, once sitting high on the tree, have fallen or are about to fall. Thank goodness for bras. They temporarily defy gravity. They keep us from falling any further than their underwire boundaries. The apples on my bra can be hooked in place high in the tree, but once unhooked must yield to the Law of Gravity.


Assuming Sir Isaac could resist the temptation of trying on his delectable masterpiece, the obvious first wearer of this bra was Mrs. Sir Isaac Newton. Upon hearing of her husband’s discovery of the Law of Gravity, Mrs. Newton would have insisted on having such a bra created. Its creation would honor her husband’s advancement of science while simultaneously fighting to defy it.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Newton's Law of Gravity

Detail Image for art Newton's Law of Gravity


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