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Art Show: Steampunk

Steampunk Angel

by Michele Lynch

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Art: Steampunk Angel by Artist Michele Lynch
I have always loved making new items out of vintage items, as well as mixed media. So steampunk jewelry was a natural progression for me. This steam punk diva started with a face that I painted on glass, she is painted with the same paints I do my full glass pendants with. She's painted and then allowed to cure 24 hours and then low fired again. Each little face is different! Her "body and wings" are vintage watch parts, each has beautiful engraving on it. There are several of the original rubys still attached. Behind her face is a vintage watch face. I attached a large silver bail. So you can easily add your favorite chain! I engraved my name and the date on the back.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Steampunk Angel

Detail Image for art Steampunk Angel

Detail Image for art Steampunk Angel


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