The translation of the title is :
Credits !!!
- http://hanratty-stock.deviantart.com is the sweet model of the photo I used as a reference http://hanratty-stock.deviantart.com/art/Fallfly12-47225130
- Aliens are to be credited for crop circle symbols.
This painting was made on two separate canvases, it is therefore a kind of "dyptich" whose parts are strictly dependent to each-other seen the unbalance between them. I used acrylics for some parts and oils for others.
The piece has a singular story behind it, because for the first time I asked direct inspiration/intervention to my muses, instead of thinking up something consciously, and what happened was an incredible series of coincidences and synchronicities, which openen my eyes on many things, between those the link this painting has to the Maya, a civilization I never had interest in before.
Basically it represents a transition from an Era of Iron to a new Golden Age.
The cow has historically been, in several cultures around the globe, a symbol for the life-giving Divinity, with the milk spilling and turning into lotus flowers as it hits the ground/Earth.
The giant Squid is a way of symbolizing the disturbed energies which dominate our Earth in this present Era, and which try with their tentacles to keep humankind bound and mentally/physically/spiritually enslaved, preventing a "resurrection" of a new and better humankind. Those tentacles are in reality infinite and present in each moment of our daily life.
But in my painting, the woman is finally breaking free from their grip and "flying" into the new Era.