I've turn back to the pages of the Bard for this painting, a newer version of an earlier depiction in ballpoint pen of Titania, fairy queen and Bottom, a rustic weaver from
A Midsummer Night's Dream".
In revenge for Titania keeping a changeling child who Oberon wants for his own attendant, Oberon squeezes the essence of a magical flower into her eyes while she was asleep in the woods. The flower is a powerful love potion and will cause her to fall madly in love the first creature she sees when she awakes.
Puck, Oberon's servant, spies a group of rustics rehearsing a play near where Titania sleeps. Puck cannot resist mischief and he turns Bottom's head into that of an ass. The other actors flee in terror. Titania awakes and sees him and the potion takes affect. Puck stands, satisfied in the background while Titania has her servants, Cobweb, Peaseblossom and Mustardseed wait on Bottom (Moth, of course, is flitting about and couldn't sit still for a picture.)