"Brush up your Shakespeare..." No, this isn't "Kiss Me Kate" but it is a show of work inspired by the writings of William Shakespeare. The ways to explore his work are nearly endless. Perhaps you are inspired by a character or a setting from a play. Is the mental picture you get when reading Sonnet CIV is something that you would like to capture. Is there a scene? A moment? Design a set. Create costumes. Dig into the vast variety of Shakespeare's output and let it inspire you to create. There are some guidelines.
We want you to be inspired to create but the interpretation should come from the work as opposed to how you are effected by the work. The viewer should have a good idea of what they are looking at. This is not a "no abstracts" show, but it is a show based firmly in the literary. If you are painting the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet, we need to have a good idea of what we are looking at. There should be something in the piece that rather obviously identifies the intent of the work. Please feel free to use text in your piece. After all, it is the words that carry the image from the paper to our imaginations. Do not feel you have to draw from one work. If you really like the Henrys, portray the Henrys. If the rose imagery from the sonnets intrigues you, give us the roses from the sonnets. Please remember that this is art inspired by the work of William Shakespeare. A watercolor of Anne Hathaway's cottage or of the Globe Theatre while from his life, are not the theme of this show. Of course, they may be incorporated, but cannot stand alone.
As always a statement is required. Please include in your statement some information on what work(s) you chose or drew from. Also details regarding the materials, process, and what made you choose your subject must be included. As texture or other small elements may be pivotal to the piece, detail shots are strongly encouraged. All points of the prospectus need to be met. If you have any questions regarding the prospectus and its requirements, please send them to edu@ebsqart.com.