Everyone has two sides. Some of us though have different sides so pronounced that they can actually border on seperate personalities. My second side became very evident the day I wrote my first horror short story. It felt as if I was reading it instead of writing it. I gave this side of me it's own name -aka Amon Briggs and paid close attention over the years afterwards of how my modes of thinking would actually change I am both the saint and the sinner. The angel and the demon.
When I decided to do a self portrait to enter into the showing on EBSQ it just didn't seem right showing only the face I see every day in the mirror. I did two different pieces to this effect "What Lies Between" and "Fire and Water".
This one is to show that secret part of myself that exists hidden between the person everyone else sees and the man I see in the mirror. The outward facade may be the same but the secret of it all is something quite different.
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