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Art Show: Me, Myself, and I: The Self-Portrait Show


by Karla Ruiz

Banner for Me, Myself, and I: The Self-Portrait Show art show

Art: Solace by Artist Karla Ruiz
By misfortune I’m a human being. I’m cursed to feel, to be good, but also to be evil. All traits of human nature. I feel as if I’m an offspring of an angel and a demon. I know the difference between right and wrong, good an evil. UNCERTAINTY. I can’t help that both my natures are in a constant quarrel which tears me up inside. I FEEL. But, is it a misfortune that I can feel? I believe not, because there is always a way to mend my wounds.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Solace

In this piece, the needle is the solace to the matters of the heart.

Detail Image for art Solace

Detail Image for art Solace


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