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Art Show: Saints

Julia: Patron Saint of the Circus

by Gwen LeBlanc

Banner for Saints art show

Art: Julia: Patron Saint of the Circus by Artist Gwen LeBlanc
Folk art rag doll, about 8 inches, JULIA has a serene countenance, vintage mother-of-peal button halo, and circus print dress. All hand-made, painstakingly hand-sewn, one of kind, unique. Felt applique face and features. I'm taking a little artistic license here -- there really IS a patron saint for Circus Folk (also Murderers) but its JuliaN, not Julia. He's revered for his hospitality to travelers, care to the poor in penance for murdering his parents (accidentally on purpose - it's one of those its-a-funny-story things..)

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Julia: Patron Saint of the Circus

Detail Image for art Julia: Patron Saint of the Circus

Detail Image for art Julia: Patron Saint of the Circus


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