Anyone who has ever looked at a piece of art and said "I like that" or "I hate that" has been influenced by art and the artist who created it. For many, it may be as small as the reaffirmation of personal taste but for another artist it often goes far beyond that.
The impact of art on an artist is varied and broad. Sometimes it is the way the brush was used, the colour choices, the way light was captured, the subject or pose. It could be the mood of the work, the statement made or the emotion contained. It could be what a particular artist sought to examine through a body of work; be it idea or technique. What ever it is, it is something that touched the creative spirit in the artist who sees, studies and interprets the art. It is what the history of art is built on.
That is what EBSQ artists will be exploring in this month's show. The influence of art on their work.
The artist will choose a work, works or a particular artist and interpret that in their art. This is all about interpretation and influence. Don't be disappointed when there are no redo's of "The Blue Boy" or other famous paintings. That is not what this show is about. Successful pieces should enter into a dialogue with the original influence--branching out from the roots. It is about essence. It isn't about the image but what it contains. How it was built., what brought it to life and how those things are reborn through another eye, hand and interpretation.
Artists should note the specific work and artist used as inspiration in their artist statement, allowing the public to trace the roots of the new work created.