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Art Show: Rodents


by Carie S

Banner for Rodents art show

Art: gopher  by Artist Carie  S
This gopher fairy was created by me and sold a few years ago. I think the scientific name of this guy is a pocket gopher? But I'm not too sure, I don't think he could fit in your pocket so I don't know why that is part of his name. Maybe the "namer" of this gopher had big pockets? We actually have these guyes in my yard and they are just crazy insane animals. They dig looooooong tunnels and make these big two foot high mounds all over my yard and they do this over night, like magic. When we first saw these tunnels and mounds of dirt we thought that aliens were doing it. But it was just this guy..... So I thought I have to make one of these tunnel digging guys and that is how it all started. The hat, the sharp toe nails,the goggles and the turtle helper.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art gopher

Detail Image for art gopher

Detail Image for art gopher


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