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Art Show: Rodents

Western Treasures 3 The Cache

by Kerry Lynn Nelson

Banner for Rodents art show

Art: Western Treasures 3 The Cache by Artist Kerry Lynn Nelson
Long lost and forgotten, a cache in a storeage nook in a cliff face turns slowly to dust. Oblivious of the painted mimicry of thier world, serpent and rodent engage in a timeless dance of life and death. This is the third in my Western Treasures series of native wildlife juxtaposed with ancient human artifacts. This original oil painting on genuine linen canvas shows a hidden treasure trove in a niche in a high canyon wall, with just a glimpse into a deep cavern of long forgotten stored goods. Now, it is only a well hidden ancient mystery of a vanished people, and, home to rodents and snakes that go about thier lives completely oblivious to the painted drama that mimics thier own struggles. The snake is a western diamondback rattlesnake and the rodent a bushy-tailed woodrat. This painting is signed and dated on the front, and, titled, signed and dated on the back.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Western Treasures 3 The Cache

Detail - Western Diamondback rattlesnake

Detail Image for art Western Treasures 3 The Cache

Detail hidden rat painted motiff on the pottery

Detail Image for art Western Treasures 3 The Cache

Detail of the cave in the cliff-face


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