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Art Show: Rodents


by Christine M. Ertl

Banner for Rodents art show

Art: Chipmunk by Artist Christine M. Ertl
Chipmunks seem to be some sort of totem animal for me. As a kid I was mortified when the neighborhood cat caught one and ate it.

In our first home my neighbors fed the birds by the 50# bag and the chipmunk population exploded and they destroyed our retaining wall and I had to shut the windows as their incessant "chip chip" drown out the television. If the patio door was open they would come in the house. Once after I took clothing off the line and got dressed to go to work I felt something moving in my pant leg and about died as I tore them off as fast as I could. Yup, a chipmunk!

Now we live in the northwoods in a farming community and chipmunks are a rare visitor. I recently heard one and now have caught glimpse of it running from the blackberry bushes to the pine trees. Because there is only one, or maybe two they are cute again.

So that is why I drew this little fellow hiding behind the leaves snacking on some little tidbit he came across.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Chipmunk


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